5 Rules of Engagement

admin Real Wedding

“5 REFLECTIONS FROM MY ENGAGEMENT…Reflecting on the last 18 months…I can’t believe my bride journey is coming to an end I thought I’d share some of my reflections on the journey from Miss to Mrs…

1/ KEEP GOD AT THE CENTRE – It’s so easy to lose sight of the bigger picture, your visions and hopes as an individual and a couple, when planning and relationship management becomes all consuming. Keeping God at the centre (which often I failed at), is where I found my peace, sanity & unity as a couple.

as relatively calm people (well Ayo ????), a wedding can bring untold stress. One thing we’ve tried to do esp in last few months is take time to invest in each other, have date nights & laugh together & I wish at the beginning of the engagement we had known to prioritise more. Focusing just on wedmin can cause you to lose focus of why you’re racing to the altar.

3/ GET USED TO DYING TO SELFISHNESS – Speaking to other friends & couples, before you start planning, a lot of us have very fixed ideas about OUR big day. One thing I’ve had to get used to is that it’s not just ‘my’ day – so teamwork & considering our partner’s wishes is key.

4/ FRIENDSHIPS – During this season, I’ve learnt who are the real ride or die friends. Ones who will go above & beyond to calm your fears, help you navigate challenges, provide advice & time out, check up on you (even when they have their own wedding????????) & help during this season. Conversely, I’ve also learnt that there are different levels of friendship & in order to avoid getting disappointed, it’s important to know that a wedding is a chance to hold a light/magnifying glass to some friendships as you prepare for the next season of life.

5/ LEARN TO FIGHT TOGETHER – for your future & for the peace of your home – this was one of the biggest things I took from the pre-marriage course at church. As a couple you come from different walks of life & communities & it can be easy to fight on behalf of those interests rather than what’s in your best interests as a couple but laying the foundation to becoming one”