Looking For The Best Wedding Florists In Indianapolis, IN?
Say goodbye to the overwhelming process of planning your most special day -- the best wedding florists in Indianapolis can help you plan the fairy tale floral design you've been dreaming of!
We will deliver a customized list of of options, including detailed costs, and why we think it’s a great choice given what you’re looking for.
Confirm Your Timeline
We’ll create a schedule to pick flower varieties and design the floor plan to ensure that your floral arrangements meet your expectations.
Vendor Coordination
We’ll connect you with a top floral designer and coordinate the delivery of the arrangements.
Enjoy Your Big Day
Our on-site team will make sure the floral arrangements arrive and are set up according to your pre-planned specifications.
You Need to Show, Not Just Tell
Images are way more telling than words. Bring your inspirations boards, a bridesmaid dress fabric swatch and a photograph of your wedding gown. This will cue your florist in on the look you're after from the start.
Some Flowers Will Be Out of Season
Talk to your florist about what's blooming when you're set to wed and try to make those stems the mainstay of your arrangements. If you're getting married during the hot summer months, or just outside where elements like wind and chill can come into play, you'll need your flowers to be able to last.
Flowers Are a Chunk of Your Budget
Figure that 15 percent of the total wedding cost will go to flowers and décor -- from the bouquets and boutonnieres to the ceremony, cocktail hour and reception details. At the start of your first meeting, put your budget on the table.
How Much Should You Spend On Wedding Reception Music?
What Wedding Music Style Should You Have?
Setting The Bar (via Instagram)
FAQ about hiring Wedding Florists in Indianapolis, IN
About Wedding Florists
To the dance floor, time to catch the bouquet! What are all these ladies vying for? Is it a simple bouquet of classy white calla lilies? Or maybe a vibrant pick arrangement of snapdragons? Maybe we have a classic bride on our hands who opted for solid red roses? Regardless flowers are an integral part of your wedding ceremony (and budget!). You'll need everything from the bouquet and boutonnieres to the centerpieces and flowers lining the aisles. Phillips Fairy Tale Weddings is here to help with these fantastic wedding florists here to help you with all your flower needs!
When hiring a wedding florist, have an idea of what you want your wedding to look like. Do you want a large church transformed into an elegant floral oasis? If so, consider hiring a 'floral designer' who specializes in changing the look and feel of venues. Do you want to accent a room with brightly colored daisy arrangements? If so, consider hiring a 'florist' who creates arrangements for you and advises you on how to arrange them yourself. Be sure to match the theme of the wedding to the flowers. Check out some of the designer's previous work to make sure the designer you choose has the necessary skills.
How much does Wedding Floral Design cost in Indianapolis?
On average, wedding florists cost between $500 and $1080 nationwide.
Many factors affect the cost of wedding flowers including location, flower variety, types of flowers, floral decor, and more. Instead of an hourly rate, wedding florists typically charge per arrangement or offer a package rate.
Wedding florists provide floral bouquets and arrangements for the ceremony, bridal party and reception. Floral requests often include bridal bouquets, wedding party boutonnieres, corsages, aisle runners, wedding centerpieces, beautiful arrangements for the alter, sweetheart table floral arrangements, and even wedding cake decor. To create the wedding style of your dreams, finding the right floral designer is a crucial part of your wedding planning.
Average Cost of Wedding Flowers
Exotic flowers, high-demand flowers and flowers with a short blooming season cost much more, even at wholesale markets than flowers that are easier to access. To save money, couples should consider flowers that are in season or growing locally. For example, according to Garden Gate Vintage Flowers and Events in Salt Lake City, Utah, peonies are incredibly popular but have a very short growing season and a high price. David Austin roses are another popular but pricey wedding choice. High wholesale prices to the florist translate to higher wedding flower costs to the couple. Here are some examples of wholesale flower costs from Garden Gate Vintage Flowers and Events:
- A single peony flower: $12
- A dozen David Austin roses: $35 In comparison, Garden Gate Vintage Flowers and Events customers can opt to fill out bouquets with budding carnations, which look similar to rose buds bit with a dramatically different wholesale cost:
- A small carnation stem: 60 cents
(Service options subject to availability. Offer may not be available in all states)
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What areas near Indianapolis, IN do you serve?
We serve Boone County, Brown County, Hamilton County, Hancock County, Hendricks County, Johnson County, Marion County, Morgan County, Putnam County and Shelby County. Please note that these wedding florists in Indianapolis may also travel to Beech Grove, Bentonville, Southport, Speedway, New Palestine, Clermont, West Newton, McCordsville, Camby, Whiteland, Zionsville, Fairland, Avon, Brownsburg, Greenfield, Finly, Boggstown, Fortville, Mooresville, Fountaintown, Maxwell, Westfield, Bargersville, Pittsboro, Whitestown, Brooklyn, Ingalls, Pendleton, and Lebanon.
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Indianapolis Florists
From pink peonies to lilac lilies, our professional florists can provide you with the best selection of fresh-cut flowers for your wedding. No matter the floral design you're in search of, we offer a top-rated florists who can provide it in the Indianapolis, IN area!
Please note, Indianapolis Florists will also travel to Lawrence, Eagle Creek, Beech Grove, New Augusta, Southport, Nora, Cumberland, Clermont, Castleton, West Newton, Acton, Zionsville, Brownsburg, Greenwood, New Palestine, Camby, Carmel, Fishers, Plainfield, Mc Cordsville, Whiteland, Whitestown, Pittsboro, Mooresville, Noblesville, Finly, Avon, Spring Lake, Shelbyville, Needham, Greenfield
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